On Tuesday May 16, the Crescent Institute hosted Senator Sam Dastyari at the Islamic Museum of Australia for an evening of cross-cultural discussion titled ‘Halal Snack Pack Diplomacy – the Way Forward for an Inclusive Australia.’ The evening was a resounding success with many new faces attending that had not previously visited the museum and were astounded by the beauty of the building and the breadth of the exhibits on display. The event commenced with a keynote address delivered by Senator Dastyari who then opened the floor up to questions, resulting in a rigorous debate surrounding the future of multicultural Australia. In his keynote address Senator Dastyari noted that,
‘I actually hadn’t had the chance to be at the museum before – it’s just spectacular!’
The address was followed by a networking opportunity facilitated in our Islamic Contributions to Civilisations gallery space where attendees engaged in rigorous conversation, forging a balance between making witty jokes and engaging in continued intellectual debate. Most importantly, guests were able to continue forging partnerships and connections for the future as a consequence of this excellent opportunity. Amongst the dimly lit inventions on display in the gallery, guests were also treated to delicious nibbles and canapés provided courtesy of the IMA café. Wafa Fahour, our Operations Manager, who herself made an address to the audience on the night thanking them for their attendance noted that the IMA was very proud to host an event such as this, grounded upon furthering the IMA vision of fostering community cohesion and harmony.
Jordan Yoosuff, the Marketing and Events Coordinator at Crescent Institute was pleased that the event ran smoothly commenting that, ‘The catering was wonderful, your staff were extremely helpful and of course, the museum looked stunning!’ A heartfelt thank you to Crescent Institute for hosting this event at the Islamic Museum – we look forward to working closely with you in the future.