Monday 17th February 2025


Open Mon-Fri, 10am to 4pm. Closed Australia Day public holiday, Monday 27 January


IMA at Home

IMA at Home

We have curated the best IMA content for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own home!

Check out our ‘Beat the Boredom’ series for kids looking for all sorts of fun activities.

Adults don’t miss out either – explore our YouTube feature videos. In My Table, we share the food we love to enjoy with friends and family.
Object of the Week is a quick, weekly video highlighting one of the pieces from our collection.

For a limited time, you can explore ALL five permanent exhibitions at the Museum by virtual tour and get a taste for what’s inside.

Dealing with Covid-19

‘Unprecedented’ is a word we’ve all been hearing a lot lately, as we all try, in our own ways to come to terms with the impact of Covid-19. Fortunately, the IMA community is brimming with specialists in a number of different fields, who we’ve been able to call upon for some tips. Note: The content we provide here in no way replaces the information provided by Australian and state government departments, we recommend keeping abreast of updated advice from these sources.

Riding the Wave of a Pandemic

Psychologist Monique Toohey talks to us about riding the wave of the Covid-19 pandemic including strategies to keep calm.

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Managing with kids at home

Emotional Intelligence Coach, Maysaa Fahour talks to us about spending extra time at home with kids as the Covid-19 challenge evolves.

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Catch up on YouTube

If you missed our recent webinar discussing how we can all thrive this Ramadan, you can catch up now on YouTube.

Watch now
Islamic Museum of Australia
323 Subscribers · 36 Videos · 28,842 Views


Education Portal

Our education portal is an excellent resource for teachers and parents looking for information and curriculum linked learning ideas which relate back to the Museum’s galleries and exhibitions.


Boundless Plains

See more images from The Boundless Plains exhibition



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