Friday 20th September 2024


Open Monday - Saturday, 10am to 4pm


Future Australian Muslim Artist

Future Australian Muslim Artist

Apply for the Future Australian Muslim Artist compatition.

Artwork Details

If the submitted artwork consists of multiple pieces, please indicate by number.

Upload a photograph of artwork. Images must be saved as “artistsurname_artistfirstname_title.jpg” (i.e. smith_john_slumber.jpg).

Drop files here or select files
Terms & Conditions of Entry

By signing this document, I warrant that I have read, and agree to abide by, the conditions of entry as set out in the Terms and Conditions of entry.
I declare that the work submitted is my original authentic work and does not infringe the copyright or moral rights of another person or group.
I acknowledge that I retain full copyright of the work and I give permission for the work to be reproduced by media and to be photographed prior to and during the exhibition for promotional and exhibition documentation purposes.
This application is a contract between the entrant/ artist and Islamic Museum of Australia, the terms of which are in this document.


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